What Does “Urge Delivery” Mean on Shein?

Shein is a popular online fashion retailer known for its trendy and affordable clothing options. As you browse through their website, you may come across the term “urge delivery” in relation to shipping options. But what exactly does “urge delivery” mean on Shein? In this article, we will explore the concept of urge delivery, its benefits, and how it works on Shein.

Understanding Urge Delivery

Urge delivery, also known as express or expedited shipping, refers to a shipping option that allows customers to receive their orders faster than the standard delivery time. It is designed for those who are in a hurry to receive their purchases and cannot wait for the regular shipping timeframe.

While standard shipping typically takes several days or even weeks, depending on the location and shipping method, urge delivery aims to deliver the package within a shorter timeframe, often within a few days or even the next day.

The Benefits of Urge Delivery

1. Speed: The primary benefit of urge delivery is the speed at which your order is delivered. If you need an outfit for a special occasion or an important event, urge delivery ensures that you receive it in time.

2. Convenience: Urge delivery offers convenience to customers who value time and want their purchases to arrive quickly. It eliminates the need to wait for an extended period, allowing you to enjoy your new clothes sooner.

3. Customer Satisfaction: By offering urge delivery as an option, Shein aims to enhance customer satisfaction. It recognizes that some customers have urgent needs and strives to meet those needs by providing faster shipping options.

How Urge Delivery Works on Shein

When you select urge delivery on Shein, you are opting for a faster shipping method. Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose your items: Browse through Shein’s extensive collection and select the items you wish to purchase.
  2. Add to cart: Once you have chosen your items, add them to your cart.
  3. Proceed to checkout: When you are ready to complete your purchase, proceed to the checkout page.
  4. Select shipping method: On the checkout page, you will be presented with various shipping options. Look for the “urge delivery” or “express shipping” option and select it.
  5. Pay for your order: Complete the payment process by providing the necessary information and confirming your purchase.
  6. Track your order: After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. Use this number to track the progress of your shipment.
  7. Receive your order: Depending on the urgency of your delivery, you can expect to receive your order within a few days or even the next day.

Is Urge Delivery Worth It?

Whether urge delivery is worth it or not depends on your individual circumstances and priorities. Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Urgency: If you have an urgent need for your purchase, such as a last-minute event or a gift for someone, urge delivery can be a valuable option.
  • Cost: Urge delivery is typically more expensive than standard shipping. Consider whether the added cost is justified by the urgency of your situation.
  • Location: The availability and speed of urge delivery may vary depending on your location. Check Shein’s shipping policies to ensure that urge delivery is available in your area.

Ultimately, the decision to opt for urge delivery on Shein depends on your personal preferences and needs. If time is of the essence and you are willing to pay extra for faster shipping, urge delivery can be a convenient choice.


Urge delivery on Shein refers to a shipping option that allows customers to receive their orders faster than the standard delivery time. It offers benefits such as speed, convenience, and enhanced customer satisfaction. To opt for urge delivery, simply select the option during the checkout process and pay the additional cost. Consider factors such as urgency, cost, and location to determine whether urge delivery is worth it for your specific situation. By understanding what urge delivery means on Shein, you can make an informed decision and enjoy the convenience of faster shipping.


1. How much does urge delivery cost on Shein?

The cost of urge delivery on Shein varies depending on factors such as the destination, package weight, and shipping method. It is typically more expensive than standard shipping, but the exact cost can be determined during the checkout process.

2. Can I track my urge delivery order on Shein?

Yes, Shein provides a tracking number for urge delivery orders. You can use this number to track the progress of your shipment and get real-time updates on its whereabouts.

3. Does urge delivery guarantee next-day delivery?

While urge delivery aims to deliver your order within a shorter timeframe, it does not guarantee next-day delivery. The exact delivery time may vary depending on factors such as the shipping method chosen and the destination.

4. Is urge delivery available worldwide on Shein?

Shein offers international shipping to many countries, but the availability and speed of urge delivery may vary depending on the destination. Check Shein’s shipping policies or contact their customer support for more information.

5. Can I change my shipping method after placing an order?

Once an order is placed on Shein, it is not possible to change the shipping method. Therefore, it is important to carefully review your shipping options before completing your purchase.